Technical Assistance Services

National leaders in In-House Technical Assistance services
Our Mission: Fast and effective Technical Assistance Services

Installation and Maintenance

For installation and maintenance, we provide all the support you may need when using our products.

Consulting for Construction and Parking Architecture

We provide consulting and guidance for your individual parking environment to ensure you have the most functional customized solutions.

Parking Administration and Maintenance for Equipment

We provide continuous, personalized support throughout the lifetime of your Millennium equipment.

customer care



Striving for zero maintenance

Zero maintenance is a fantasy, but we can come extremely close to it and save a great deal of money.

How do we achieve this? Here are some examples:

  • If the components of a device are universal, it can be replaced at a reasonable price by even inexperienced users.
  • Get rid of short-lived consumables so that they all but disappear.
  • Since its design, the equipment has been made remotely accessible to reduce maintenance times and stop unnecessary travel.

Millennium Parking has a wide Technical Assistance network that will allow you to resolve your problems immediately if you need our Technical Service team’s assistance.

See all the options offered by Equinsa Parking’s Technical Support Service here.

remote techincal assistance

Millennium Remote Technical Assistance


Millennium Technical Assistance Service (TAS)

Maintenance Service contract

Maintenance Services Contract

spare parts

Spare Parts

national presence

National and international presence:

Millennium Parking has an international presence by using distributors with extensive technical training in our system.
